澳門蓮花衛視傳媒有限公司  2012年4月29日 (English)
Regarding our  

DAILY NEWS: Daily Macau news, every hour between 8 PM and 11PM, seven days a week; an hourly review of Macau, Chinese and international news stories,as sembled from leading news agencies,put into relevant perspective and delivered objectively and intelligently. Lotus TV is a privately owned network with no political affiliations or tendencies, and always seeks to deliver news and information in a neutral and objective way.


MACAU PEOPLE:Journal and interviews with localand visiting personalities and local residents;portraying their personal stories,intercultural issues,opinions, etc.


  LIVE REPORT:Broadcast live, from the streets and venues of Macau,this daily live journal spotlights Macau’s current events, political and community affairs, economic activities,discussions and forums, ceremonies and events.

  TRULY MACAU:Lotus TV’s popular anchor Deborah, Spotlights Macau’s cultural and entertainment highlights and shares with the audience her special recommendations, tips and insights about vibrant Macau. This is a popular show that tries to capture the true spirit of Macau and to relate to residents, visitors and distant audiences alike.


  SCHOLARS’TALK:Famous scholars from China and Macau are featured and invited to share their insights and knowledge about historical events, customs, traditions, myths and stories
relevant to China, Macau and the region.

  FINE ARTS FASCINATION:Exploring the world of fine arts and calligraphy, and spotlighting local and international artists with a particular focus on traditional and contemporary Chinese art, this program explores the artistic spirit of the region and offers expert opinions and advice on art collecting and investment.

  WORLD DANCE:Profilingthe best dancers, choreographers anddance companies from around the world. Bringing the art and passion of international dance to young Chinese audiences.


  TRADING DAY LIVE:Up-to-date stock market news,reviews,analyses,investment recommendations
and expert advice.

  WEALTH OF LIFE:Interviews with personalities and experts from the worlds of finance and commerce,
sharing their insights, experiences and recommendations on current issues, investment and important topics.

  WISDOM OF LANG XIAN PING:Celebrated financial and management expert Lang Xian Ping shares his views, insights, advice and recommendations on current issues, investment strategy, business and management issues.


  Lotus TV is often compared with HBO because it is broadcasting classics and current blockbuster movies almost free of advertising, with the added bonus that it is a “free-to-view” channel. This is contributing to Lotus TV’s rapidly growing popularity with progressive Chinese audiences. Lotus TV has a long-term strategy to become the leading television network in the region, offering the highest quality entertainment to future audiences. With the strong appetite that Chinese audiences have for such international films, “presenting sponsor” credits are sure to capture the attention and the affinity of Chinese audiences.
  Typically, international films are broadcast in their original language with Chinese
subtitles. Lotus TV has full facilities and capability to adapt films for Chinese


LOTUS GO:The World Tourism Organization has predicted that by 2020 over 100 million Chinese will be traveling overseas. A new generation of affluent Chinese tourist is ready to discover the world beyond Chinese borders. This program spotlights exciting international travel destinations and attractions,with a special sensitivity to Chinese tastes, habits and expectations. With a rapidly growing appetite for leisure and lifestyle activities, young Chinese are poised to discover attractions and activities such as skiing, sailing, wellness, gambling, cultural and educational pursuits, etc. all over the world.


World Knowledge:Chinese audieces areespecially interested in knowledge-based entertainment. Infotainment and documentaries about world affairs, nature, science, engineering, other cultures, life in other countries, people and personalities, the environment, the arts, etc. are of particular interest to audiences of all ages. Corporate documentaries, profiling the people, the companies and the stories behind the big international brands can also be compelling entertainment for a generation eager to learn as quickly as possible about the world beyond its borders.

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