澳門蓮花衛視傳媒有限公司  2012年4月24日 (English)
Regarding our  

  Television is still the growing mass-media in China, and the most powerful medium of communication for advertising and sponsoring. Like anywhere else in the world, television viewership is governed by the quality and relevance of ‘content’Lotus TV in Macau is a 24-hour, privately owned network broadcasting

    throughout Macau and Hong Kong, as well as Mainland China and other Asian countries. Providing high-quality programming,including classic movies, Hollywood blockbusters and recent film releases, on a free-to-view basis, Lotus TV is rapidly gaining popularity among local and regional audiences.
  As the world goes through economic adjustments in the wake of the economic crisis, Chinese markets remain remarkably strong. As Chinese populations grow and become more and more affluent, their appetites for knowledge, entertainment and experience surge.
  Today most western companies, whether they be producing high-end cars, luxury items, fashion labels, prestige products, or providing luxury travel destinations, wellness holidays or even elite education, all know that China is the big market of the future. Especially in times of recession it is essential to invest in marketing.
  Lotus TV provides a unique and powerful opportunity for international brands to reach Chinese audiences at remarkably cost-effective conditions - with high-impact advertising, brand-relevant sponsoring and targeted branded-content.
  The World Travel Organization has predicted that over 100 million Chinese will be travelling overseas by 2020! Promoting international destinations, attractions, universities, casinos, resorts, etc., on Chinese television is key to profiting from this global trend.
  Lotus TV Macau and its international partners, Riezouw Associates in Austria, are ready to work with international brands to develop efficient and creative communication and advertising concepts to help clients capitalize on the unique opportunity to reach young, affluent and dynamic audiences in the largest emerging market on the planet, through Macau satellite television.


  LOTUS TV:Lotus TV, Macau is a 24-hour “free-to-view” satellite TV network broadcasting throughout Macau, Hong Kong, Mainland China and other Asian countries. As a privately owned and well-funded network, Lotus TV is dynamic, progressive and innovative. Operating out of its own two floors on the top of one of Macau’s most

prestigious commercial buildings, Lotus TV is at the heart of Macau’s vibrant and fast-paced life. As Macau surges forward to become the premiere entertainment and leisure centre in Asia, Lotus TV is in the unique position to be the primary media house in the region, serving television and online audiences throughout China.

  VISION:To become the premiere television network in the region; providing audiences with
the best local and international entertainment and the most cutting-edge information and knowledge programmes available; capturing the spirit of Macau, serving its people, and contributing to intercultural understanding and partnership.

  MANAGEMENT:A focused and dedicated management team is working consistently to build Lotus TV into the leading entertainment and information network in the region. Management and staff have many years of experience in television and are highly motivated to bring Lotus TV swiftly up to international standards both in terms of programming quality as well as in terms of technological and operational standards.

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